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2024-07-16 06:40:13来源:
导读 【#badapple钢琴谱数字#】1、简谱如下:2、拓展资料:3、英文填词4、Ever on and on I continue circling5、自始至终我继续旋转浮沉6...




4、Ever on and on I continue circling


6、With nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony

7、仇视尘世一切 如旋转木马中垂死挣扎

8、Till slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing

9、直到慢慢地我忘却了 直到我心开始瓦解了

10、And suddenly I see that I can't break free-I'm

11、刹那间我才大彻大悟 我永远无法重见天日

12、Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity


14、With nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony

15、疼痛让我不堪 如旋转木马中麻木无感

16、To tell me who I am, who I was

17、告诉谁是我 谁是我生前

18、Uncertainty enveloping my mind


20、Till I can't break free, and


22、Maybe it's a dream; maybe nothing else is real

23、或许此皆虚幻梦境 或许尘世扑朔迷离

24、But it wouldn't mean a thing if I told you how I feel

25、一旦我说出肺腑之言 那一切就不值一提

26、So I'm tired of all the pain, of the misery inside

27、我也厌倦了所有痛苦 痛苦里面的全部苦楚

28、And I wish that I could live feeling nothing but the night

29、欲使仅感黑夜的我 依然还能够活下来

30、You can tell me what to say; you can tell me where to go

31、你能管教我说何言语 你能管教我往何方走

32、But I doubt that I would care, and my heart would never know

33、但我怀疑我是否还在意 反正我心永远不会知道

34、If I make another move there'll be no more turning back

35、如若我再动一下的话 就没有回首的余地啦

36、Because everything will change, and it all will fade to black

37、因为万事不如一 全都会褪为黑色

38、Will tomorrow ever come? Will I make it through the night?


40、Will there ever be a place for the broken in the light?


42、Am I hurting? Am I sad? Should I stay, or should I go?


44、I've forgotten how to tell. Did I ever even know?

45、我早己忘记如何甄别 我曾经知道吗?

46、Can I take another step? I've done everything I can


48、All the people that I see I will never understand

49、我看到的所有人 我永远无法理解他们

50、If I find a way to change, if I step into the light

51、要是我找到改变的方法 要是我踏入白光的话

52、Then I'll never be the same, and it all will fade to white

53、然后我就不再会是以前的样子 一切都褪为白色

54、Ever on and on I continue circling


56、With nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony

57、仇视尘世一切 如旋转木马中垂死挣扎

58、Till slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing

59、直到慢慢地我忘却了 直到我心开始瓦解了

60、And suddenly I see that I can't break free-I'm

61、刹那间我才大彻大悟 我永远无法重见天日

62、Slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity


64、With nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony

65、疼痛让我不堪 如旋转木马中麻木无感

66、To tell me who I am, who I was

67、告诉谁是我 谁是我生前

68、Uncertainty enveloping my mind


70、Till I can't break free, and


72、Maybe it's a dream; maybe nothing else is real

73、或许此皆虚幻梦境 或许尘世扑朔迷离

74、But it wouldn't mean a thing if I told you how I feel

75、一旦我说出肺腑之言 那一切就不值一提

76、So I'm tired of all the pain, of the misery inside

77、我也厌倦了所有痛苦 痛苦里面的全部苦楚

78、And I wish that I could live feeling nothing but the night

79、欲使仅感黑夜的我 依然还能够活下来

80、You can tell me what to say; you can tell me where to go

81、你能管教我说何言语 你能管教我往何方走

82、But I doubt that I would care, and my heart would never know

83、但我怀疑我是否还在意 反正我心永远不会知道

84、If I make another move there'll be no more turning back

85、如若我再动一下的话 就没有回首的余地啦

86、Because everything will change, and it all will fade to black


88、If I make another move, if I take another step

89、要是我再动一下 要是我在踏上别路

90、Then it all would fall apart. There'd be nothing of me left

91、然后全部都坠毁 什么我也不会留

92、If I'm crying in the wind, if I'm crying in the night

93、如果我在风中哭泣 如果我在深夜哭泣

94、Will there ever be a way? Will my heart return to white?

95、还会有什么办法吗 我的心还能不能回归白色

96、Can you tell me who you are? Can you tell me where I am?

97、敢问您尊姓大名 敢问我身在何方

98、I've forgotten how to see; I've forgotten if I can

99、我已忘记去理解 我已经忘记原来是否可以看清

100、If I opened up my eyes there'd be no more going back

101、要是我睁开眼 就不剩回头路

102、'Cause I'd throw it all away, and it all would fade to black

103、因为我会把它抛开 全都会褪作黑暗


105、Bad Apple的简谱:


107、bad apple(nomico演唱的歌曲)

108、Bad Apple!!原为系列作品《东方Project》第四作《东方幻想乡》3面道中主题曲,之后此曲被改编成同人曲目,作曲为Masayoshi Minoshima,其中最为人熟知的是由nomico演唱的同人音乐。









117、23456 2'1'62 6543

118、23456 54 3234 322b23

119、23456 2'1'62 6543

120、23456 54 3456

121、23456 2'1'62 6543

122、23456 54 3234 322b23

123、23456 2'1'62 6543

124、23456 54 3456

125、1'2'656 561'2'656

126、56 654312 1234562

127、61'2'656 561'2'656

128、56 654312 1234562

129、5 61'2'656 561'2'656

130、56 654312 1234562

131、61'2'656 561'2'656

132、2`3`4`3`2`1`6 5654312

133、61'2'656 561'2'656

134、56 654312 1234562

135、61'2'656 561'2'656

136、56 654312 1234562

137、61'2'656 561'2'656

138、56 654312 1234562

139、61'2'656 561'2'656

140、2`3`4`3`2`1`6 5654312



