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they helpde us time and again,___very kind of them. a which was b which

2024-07-12 01:15:22来源:
导读 【#they helpde us time and again,___very kind of them. a which was b which#】1、a which was 主...
【#they helpde us time and again,___very kind of them. a which was b which#】

1、a which was 主要看意思. they helped us time and again, 他们不时的总帮我们,他们的(这一点)是非常友好的. which指代的是,“他们不时的总帮我们”前面整个句子,这种情况,通常是单数.。

【#they helpde us time and again,___very kind of them. a which was b which#】到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助。


